Industrial vacuum solution for cement plants.
During cement production, large quantities of fine and hazardous dust are produced and released. These harmful dust deposit on all surfaces of the plant, representing a serious threat to workers' health and problems for production efficiency, such as:
Product spillages and material waste
Time and costs required for plant maintenance
Health risks for operators and possible accidents
Unexpected production stops
To avoid these problems, the DHV series industrial vacuum cleaners are the ideal solution.
Designed for heavy and continuous applications, they are designed to solve vacuum problems in cement factories

The constant build-up of cement dust on floors, walkways, and equipment creates safety risks and problems in terms of maintenance. Such collections also cause serious breathing difficulties for operators who are exposed to harmful dust on a daily basis.
To avoid all these problems a correct and constant cleaning of the systems with a high-performance vacuum cleaner from the DHV line is needed.
This will provide a safe working environment, maximum efficiency, and safety in every production area

Cement production is based on vertical transfers using bucket elevators and conveyor belts. During the displacement, the conveyed materials constantly pour out, accumulating on the ground or at the bottom of the elevators.
These powders constitute:
Slowdowns in the transport of materials
Continuous machine downtime required for material removal
In order to allow a good workflow and avoid problems with the conveyor system, it is necessary to efficiently clean underneath the conveyor. belts with a dedicated suction system. This will reduce the risk of arrest

In cement factories, the rotary kiln is used to burn a series of alternative fuels such as:
Shredded tires
Animal flours
Waste fibers and fabrics
Plastic residues and other waste
These elements are added to cement in a percentage of about 15% to save on ordinary fuel costs and to dispose of potentially toxic waste, which is burned by high temperatures.
Alternative fuels are stored in dedicated buildings equipped with overhead crane and product gripper.
These storage buildings need regular cleaning to prevent possible explosions and to keep the overhead crane tracks clean of residues. The ideal tool is a lobe pump suction system in the ATEX version.

Another source of dust are the rotary bagging machines called Rotopack, found in buildings dedicated to packaging. In this building the bags are filled with cement for transfer to the outgoing trucks.
During the filling of the bags with the Rotopack, cement powders escape in large quantities continuously, causing health problems for the operators. When moving to the trucks, many bags tend to break, creating residues along the various conveyor belts.
A powerful Delfin suction system with piping throughout the system is the most suitable solution to remove large amounts of dust constantly.
All material is transferred and collected in a large disposable bag.
The same system can also be used to remove dust from the Rotopack contributing to:
Material Recycling
Reduction of breathing diseases
Reduction of machine downtime

The range meets the needs of industries that have to deal with the problem of large quantities of dust, spills, and residues that constantly undermine production and efficiency, ensuring:
Recovery of residues and saving of raw materials
Reduction of costs and maintenance time
Healthier and safer environment
Reduction of production downtime

Choosing a Delfin vacuum solution, you will have a dedicated team, made up of a technical office and representatives from the " High Vacuum" department.
They will be with you during all phases of the process. From the analysis of the design, installation, and assistance, ensuring full personalization of the system.
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