But how do you protect yourself from the invisible risks created by working with materials that produce fine dust residues? Very often it is the finest particles such as silica, asbestos, and wood that are ignored because they are invisible, but can be highly dangerous to workers' health.
Delfin vacuum cleaners equipped with the right filtration and dust collection systems are certified to ensure a safe working environment against all the finest risks of your work.
Even the most innocuous operations may pose a treat to operators’ health and safety: considering all the precautions is always essential.
To ensure a consistently safe working environment and so to prevent contact with asbestos, silica, wood, flour, fiberglass, metal, paint, welding,
food dusts of various kinds or any dust which can be either harmful if inhaled or explosive, using the right tools is fundamental.
For all these sectors, Delfin offers a complete range of safe solutions: high-efficiency filtration, safe dust collection, disposal systems, H and
ULPA filters, certifications (such as the ATEX one) to ensure the highest levels of safety.